1:1 Coaching


Your life of inner peace and purpose starts now.

You're invited to...


A 90 day 1:1 coaching program to heal your anxiety and step into your purpose-driven life

Meet with Raman to see if this program is right for you

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Who you are is BEYOND your anxiety

Who you are is BEYOND your stress

Who you are is WAY BEYOND your inner blocks



You're ready to meet who you really are.

You’ve just forgotten what it’s like to be connected to the SOUL of you

And you've forgotten what it's like to live from your inner voice, and therefore feel a baseline of inner peace, confidence and purpose.



Trapped in your anxiety, overthinking mind, procrastination and inner blocks

Like there's a life out there that feels GOOD to you and you intuitively know that it’s possible

Like you can’t seem to heal or create a baseline of peace

Or perhaps you’re having a hard time enjoying life because there’s an uneasiness, worry, impatience, fatigue or stress that looms in the background.


Maybe you wonder if REAL inner peace will ever be fully possible for you

Your mind sometimes makes you believe that you’ll never be able to take action on the career you want or the relationships you desire - i.e live the life that is truest to you

Maybe you don’t know where to start, or you feel too exhausted to do the healing and mindset work alone

But you’re also afraid to get to the end of your life and look back with regret at the life spent in misery and the things you didn’t do because your anxiety, exhaustion and self-doubt overtook you


If so, you’re not alone.

I’ve heard clients say “I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. All I want is to feel at EASE, and feel ENERGIZED to live a life I truly love. I don’t need anything else.” (spoiler alert...I was this client!)



I told you that you were absolutely meant to feel OCEANS of peace + joy in this lifetime? And that your reconnection with your inner voice and heart's wisdom will be the fuel to living your purpose-driven life [you know...the stuff you are MEANT TO DO on this earth?]…but your underlying subconscious patterns have just been getting in the way.

You can read all the quotes online, bury yourself in busy work or Netflix binges, talk to all your friends about it, but when the deeper cause of the stress + stuck-ness isn’t healed, nothing will feel "enough" to break through the subconscious blocks that stop you.

So you’re probably wondering…if all THAT isn’t enough…

“How DO I take actionable steps towards healing my stuck-ness and even break through my subconscious blocks?”

“How DO I stay consistent in showing UP for myself and staying true to my inner voice?”

“How DO I create the mindset needed to get clear on my purpose and EMBODY the version of myself that is LIVING their most purpose-driven life?”

In BEYOND ANXIETY, I’m going to support you 1 on 1 and show you how.

Since I’ve been there - I can tell you firsthand that it is POSSIBLE.

I will guide you through my signature process, in a way that is personalized to YOU.

Creating inner peace doesn’t happen “randomly”, it takes an intentional, strategic, and ALIGNED process.

Book a discovery call with Raman to see if this is right for you



"Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you doesn't mean you can, should, or need to do it alone."

- Lisa Olivera

This program is for you if you...

are ready to start living from your heart centre and inner voice NOW

can’t wait to have the relationships, work and inner peace you dream of

understand where your stress & anxiety triggers come from and start shifting them so you are genuinely triggered less

learn how to not be overtaken by your thoughts and emotions so you can experience true inner peace

need a step by step process and guidance so you can heal your underlying stress + stuck-ness from the ROOT

desire to make an incredible impact in the world with your 100% energy and clarity on your purpose

intuitively know you are meant to fulfill your purpose, and it starts with reconnecting with your heart's wisdom & soul's guidance

If you are ready to...

go from worry to TRUST, from fear to LOVE, and from indecision to CLARITY + PURPOSE

have a PROCESS to follow and direct guidance to step into your baseline of inner peace

feel like you can trust yourself more and feel relaxed in your day to day

stop hiding out and staying small so you can OWN your truest value and natural gifts

stand in your inner confidence no matter what past experiences, traumas or self-esteem hits you’ve had

live from a place of emotional freedom and inner space, so you can make empowered decisions and not second guess yourself

let go of the old stories and narratives you tell yourself so you can embody the magical person you actually are: the person who is naturally and confidently LIVING in alignment with their purpose & inner gifts

get the support needed from someone who gets you, believes in you, and SEES your vision

do what it takes to prioritize your inner SPARK and bring your soul-aligned vision into reality


STOP letting your fear win.

Choose to live from LOVE (aka your heart).



In this powerful, highly supportive 1:1 Coaching Program, we’ll work together to create the foundation for your inner peace and confidence. I’ll help you overcome the blocks and fears that keep you stuck in underlying stress patterns, anxiety and overthinking so you can start to step into your most soulful and purpose-driven life.

I’ll also teach you how to get CRYSTAL clear on the root cause of your stresses, step into your true inner confidence, know your vision and value, tune into your inner wisdom, and learn the energetics of creating your most purpose-driven life so that you can become a magnet for your vision.

I break everything down into simple steps so you always know what your focus is!

(Let's hop on a call to see if this program is a good fit for you)



Here's what we'll do throughout these 90 days:


Your anxiety, stress, overwhelm and burnout are trying to send you a message. This step is where we tune into your body and get crystal clear on what that message is.


Uncover the blocks and fears that stop you from feeling profound peace and inner power


Tune your energy so that you’re living from a baseline of peace, inner power and purpose


Own your gifts, talents, and the power of who you are so you can make an impact in the world with your unique energy


Hear your intuition again: make heart and spirit-led decisions so you don’t question your unique path


Now that you know who you are and what you’re made of, you can step into your calling naturally and start taking inspired action towards your purpose


What is included, Raman?

A 90 day results-driven coaching program

12 Private one-on-one coaching calls in total with Raman (weekly coaching)

24/7 support from Raman via text

A guided process that is designed to help you HEAL your inner world and CONNECT you to your inner voice: Raman will coach and guide you personally

PLUS these templates, tools and resources that Raman has used to build her own baseline of inner peace and purpose:

Leaning In - How To Stop Running Away from Anxiety PDF

Emotional Guidance Scale for Emotional Awareness

Thought-Emotion Loop PDF

Anchoring in your New Beliefs Worksheet

The Know Yourself Worksheet

The Manifestation List Worksheet

Solar Plexus Power Meditation

Raman’s favourite media resource PDF with links

The Body Scan Process


create a baseline of peace and live from your heart centre

overcome the anxiety, overthinking and fatigue that stops you so you can finally say YES to your purpose

have direction, clarity, and FOCUS on your unique vision

go from feeling uninspired, unmotivated, and purposeless, to being DRIVEN by your inspiration

trust the process of life and actually wake up smiling

and have a TON of support, love, and guidance along the way 🙂

(Let's hop on a call to see if this program is right for you)



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Testimonials | What Clients Are Saying...

Intuitive Coaching with Raman has entirely transformed me! After years of therapy, spiritual self help books, courses, etc., all the work I had put into myself has finally started to click for the first time ever.
I came to Raman because I was feeling like my life was at a standstill. Through my weekly sessions with Raman she was able to help me get to the core root of past traumas, insecurities and false narratives that prevented me from moving forward in my life.
I had always thought I had the proper coping tools however through Raman's spiritual healing she has helped me go beyond the surface and really dig deep. Since I began my time with her, I have noticed major shifts in my happiness, inner peace and self confidence. The best part is I have manifested some amazing opportunities and experiences.
I feel very blessed that Raman has entered my life and look forward to continuing to do the work with her - simply put, she's amazing!

New York

Working with Raman has been such a gift. She has helped me become more intuitive in all areas of my life. Before our work I was struggling to find my flow with work and my business, always outsourcing my decisions to people I thought knew better. It was so empowering to start trusting my own instinct and work through the blocks to trusting my intuition.

Work has become so much more juicy and rewarding doing it from a place of true authenticity and letting go of all the “rules”.

I’m so grateful to have such an intuitive and supportive coach through the ups and downs of entrepreneur life!

New York

Before starting coaching with Raman I was going through a period of uncertainty in my life. I was feeling on and off anxious spirals. I was feeling lost and overwhelmed with everything I was going after in my life. I just felt like I had too much on my plate and I was in a rush to make success happen in my life.

Raman helped me to tap into my inner voice and self. She helped me listen to the answers within myself, trust my intuition more and helped me feel safe within my body first before the outside world. We worked through childhood trauma healing and she really made me identify where any feeling and emotion I was experience was coming from in my body first. This really helped to regain my sense of self and build a stronger relationship with me first and trust myself more.

After coaching I felt like I re-built a safer and stronger relationship with myself. I felt more trusting of my own voice, I felt less anxious in my daily life and I was ready to take on more goals in my life with clear intention and direction.

It was so amazing to talk through every emotion I was feeling and feel safe and heard. To know Raman could also relate to my experiences of anxiety made the relationship even better. I felt like she was a long lost sister I had yet to meet. She is so amazing to work with and she really taps in to give you her full presence and make you feel like you are exactly where you need to be on your journey in life.

After working with Raman I practiced alot of the tools and techniques we went over and I started to feel super calm and less anxious. I was surprised working with her because I was going in with my own agenda and plan and really what I needed to do was to pause, listen and tap into my inner voice and how I was feeling first. I definitely feel like I am now tapping into my intuition more and trusting myself and what feels right. Thank you Raman for being so kind, patience, an amazing listener and coach you really are an inspiration!

testimonial pic mira


In my career as a psychotherapist and coach, I've found that different perspectives can often spark the most significant growth. That's why, when faced with the daunting task of launching my first book, I sought out an approach that was new to me - intuitive coaching with Raman.

From the moment I discovered Raman on Instagram, I was drawn to her insightful videos and messages. They resonated with an authenticity and depth of understanding that matched my own quest for self-discovery perfectly. Her intuitive coaching sessions were not just supportive, but were filled with insights that directly addressed my specific situation. Raman's unique skill of blending intuition with pragmatic strategies made the sessions both uplifting and full of valuable insights.

What sets Raman's approach apart is the balance she maintains between the intuitive and the practical. Her coaching, while deeply spiritual, never loses touch with reality, providing tangible steps to handle the challenges ahead. It's this balance that makes her coaching so effective.

I'm not just glad, but truly honored, to recommend Raman's intuitive coaching to anyone looking for a unique approach to personal growth. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, Raman provides an opportunity to explore personal development from a refreshingly different and profound perspective.

In an age that often underestimates the power of authenticity, Raman stands out as a shining example. She encourages us to tap into our inner wisdom and apply it to our goals, providing an alternative path that is both empowering and effective.


Mark T. Meyer

Raman was absolutely amazing! I had a lot of internal conflicts, and her guidance was truly transformative. She not only helped me identify where I was holding tension in my body but also taught me how to connect with my higher self, and quieting the noise of the mind. As she spoke, I actually felt tingles and goosebumps, and her words resonated deeply. Raman provided incredibly intuitive advice for my upcoming business venture, and the pricing suggestion she gave me was exactly what I had in mind. I wholeheartedly endorse Raman and her services. Working with her was a peaceful and calming experience. Thank you, Raman!! -Alejandra, Florida

I've been seeing Raman for about 3 months and feeling that I'm coming to have a much more peaceful disposition. I have excitement in my life as I open into a much more trusting, less anxious person, and feel that I'm trusting more in our divine nature, and I sense it. I'm so grateful for Raman for helping me come to grow in awareness that we can all have access to this and that it never leaves us. We have nothing to fear when we trust in this. Raman is extremely intuitive and has a gift to know where our real issues lie. Thanks Raman, I'm grateful for our sessions! -Ron, BC, Canada

Working 1-on-1 with Raman has been beyond transformational so far. She is extremely intuitive, and her ability to pick up immediately on what I'm feeling/thinking and what I need to look at is incredible. She is also an extremely talented healer, being able to hold impeccable space for you to dive into your shadows and heal the emotional wounds holding you back from mind body spirit balance and wholeness. I promise you, that you will be extremely glad you decided to work with her. -Joshua, New York

Raman was an incredible coach, she was very patient with me and my growth and gave me processes and accountability that really helped my healing and growth process. I feel more equipped and in a better mental state after 2 months of coaching than before. I also am grateful for how kind and compassionate she was. She helped me go really deep within myself and my healing process. -Delara, BC, Canada

Raman drew me into a world I knew I had access to but didn’t use for myself.
She helped me question my perceptions around abundance, money and my own budding business. Since meeting her my fears around abundance have almost completely disappeared and I am finally moving forward with my life. Raman has an innate ability to truly see people.  She listened to every word I said and most importantly to the words I didn’t say. Thank you Raman…  I am truly blessed and grateful to have met you and to have you in my life. -Susan, ON, Canada

I started my spiritual path a long time ago reading books, attending seminars, conferences, meditations groups, and so on but never had the experience of taking a spiritual coaching session. I enjoyed this experience with Raman; She is very enthusiastic, attentive, and patient. She radiates a peaceful and positive energy every time you talk to her. Working with her caused wonderful synchronicities with other new spiritual projects I had started a few weeks before contacting her. The information, guidance, and recommendations she provided helped me to fill some spaces in my spiritual life that I had not noticed before. -Jose, AB, Canada

What a beautiful Presence Raman is! I’ve been receiving weekly coaching from Raman for about a month now. Raman’s presence feels like a vibrant ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Her innate ability to unconditionally love with compassion truly touches me. Another thing I noticed from Raman’s sessions is that I find myself trusting more in the Guidance coming through her with each coaching experience. The hour I spent with Raman today was life changing, not only she confirmed the intuitive hits I had received, she also held amazing space for a part of me to crack open. I felt so safe and at ease to be vulnerable. Thanks Raman! You’re the best!! -Frances, BC, Canada

Want to feel out the coaching experience first?

You can book a low-fee Anxiety & Stress Breakthrough Session here.